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Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Tinka automobilių MERCEDES-BENZ įvairiems modeliams.
Blogos kokybės oras dirgina akis ir kvėpavimo takus, jaučiate nuovargį. MANN-FILTER salono oro filtrai užtikrina geresnį automobilio komfortą ir gryną orą, nes jie beveik visiškai pašalina dulkių, žiedadulkių, suodžių ir kitų teršalų patekimą į automobilio saloną, būtent tas medžiagas, kurios vis daugiau ir daugiau žmonių kelia sveikatos sutrikimus - ypač astma ir alergijas.
Tačiau, kaip ir visi filtrai, MANN-FILTER salono oro filtrai taip pat turi būti reguliariai keičiami. Paprastai jie turėtų būti keičiami kas vienerius metus arba kas 15 000 km. Aprasoję langai, tvankus automobilio salonas ir sutrikusi oro kondicionavimo sistema taip pat yra tikri ženklai, kad reikia pakeisti salono filtrą.
Kitą kartą keičiat savo salono oro filtrą, elkitės atsakingai ir pasirinkite patentuotą aukštųjų technologijų filtrą iš MANN-FILTER.
MANN-FILTER gaminiai puikiai tinka ir atitinka originalios įrangos kokybę. Išsamios montavimo instrukcijos reiškia, kad surinkimas yra greitas ir lengvas.
Kryžminės nuorodos į kitus gamintojus:
MAHLE FILTER LAK 1119, UNIPART GFE 3296, UFI 54.163.00, VAICO V30-31-1051, FILTRON K 1246A, ZAFFO 567, MANN-FILTER FP 29 005, SOFIMA S 4163 CA, MAPCO 65887, TECNOCAR EC620, GUD FILTERS AC 89, FRAM CFA10934, PURFLUX AHC318, BOSCH 0 986 AF4 038, BOSCH 0 986 628 500, VALEO 715600, BOSCH 1987435001, MAHLE FILTER LAK 413, MEYLE 123200005, DELPHI TSP0325258C, WIX FILTERS WP9335, CORTECO 80004358, ALCO FILTER MS-6353C, A.L. FILTER ALC-6563, ALCO FILTER MS-6363C, KOLBENSCHMIDT 50014230, ACDelco PUK 1189 E, BOSCH R5001, COMLINE EKF176A, HENGST FILTER E2954LC02, CORTECO CC1379, BIG FILTER GB-9952/C, SCT Germany SA 1201, SCT Germany SAK 201, MULLER FILTER FK395, MEAT & DORIA 17488, WIX FILTERS 49357, CORTECO 80000844, LAUTRETTE EKR 7270, CoopersFiaam PCK8278, MOTAQUIP LVCF 542, BLUE PRINT ADU 172501, FEBI BILSTEIN 29871, MANN-FILTER CUK 29 005, HENGST FILTER E2954LC, HENGST FILTER E2954LC01, BOSCH 1987432326, HENGST FILTER E2954LC03, DELPHI TSP0325258, MISFAT HB334C, CORTECO 80001527, VEMO V30-31-1051, CLEAN FILTERS NC 2363 CA, MICRONAIR MC798, TECNECO FILTERS Ck 29005 C, 3F QUALITY 681, KOLBENSCHMIDT 4230-ACC, MAPCO 67887, CORTECO CC1303, CORTECO CP1379.
OE numeriai skirti tik dalių palyginimui:
MERCEDES-BENZ 212 830 00 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 212 830 03 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 204 830 05 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 204 830 00 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 212 830 00 18, MERCEDES-BENZ 212 830 03 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 212 830 02 18, MERCEDES-BENZ A 212 830 01 18, MERCEDES-BENZ 212 830 01 18, MERCEDES-BENZ 212 830 02 18, MERCEDES-BENZ 204 830 00 18, MERCEDES-BENZ 204 830 05 18.
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.