Stabdžių diskas 23-0395
Item: ME-23-0395
Tinka automobilių AUDi, SKODA, VW, įvairiems modeliams.
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Blue Print stabdžių diskas yra suprojektuotas ir pagamintas taip, kad būtų tiesioginis OE dalies pakeitimas. Naujausia įranga ir technologijos užtikrina, kad Blue Print stabdžių diskai atitinka OE specifikacijas ir standartus.
Visuomet keiskite abu vienos ašies stabdžių diskus. Vieno disko pakeitimas gali sukelti skirtingą ratų stabdymo efektą. Keičiant stabdžių diskus, visada pakeiskite stabdžių trinkeles.
Kryžminės nuorodos į kitus gamintojus:
EST-60-0K-K11, EST-60-0K-002, EST-60-0K-003, EST-60-01-144, 09.9726.11, 17066, C30307ABE, C30313ABE, BN-0766, BN-0766E, BN-1268E, BN-1268, 24961, 24961 V, X602303, DSK2465, 60-0K-003, 0990-3130, 24.0126-0135.1, BBD4652, 0 986 479 444, DI956007, DI956413, AE0329, BS8580, BV 8580, 09.9726.11, 09.9726.10, DBB460V, DBB146V, 11424V, 11528V, HPD 064, HPD 690, 142.064, 142.690, 800-891C, 800-694, AND6794, ADC1076V, BD18740, BG4015, N08526, DBD1146, DBD1460, BD1114, BD2454, DP1010.11.1300, 19-0060, 5815203506, 5815203514, 1642751680, 231027, 108634, TB219101, DDF1460-1, DDF1460, FO 2889, FO 2907, BD1606, BD0162, BS5461B, BS5203, BS5461, 6070081, 6048365, J3300313, 709-21051, IBT-1K03, DI-K03, 60K03, 562207J, 562791JC, 37-1223, 37-0264, CBR007, CBR014, BR-4213, BR-4213-C, 6888 10, BN-1595, K2010V, K2002V, 360406073900, 361302040474, 600000085540, HM0K55A33251, 15579, 15577, 25216, 24012401951-PCS-MS, 24-0124-0195-1-SET-MS, 24012601351-PCS-MS, 24-0126-0135-1-SET-MS, 19-0937, 19-2756, 19-2756SPORT, 853080.0000, 853080.0080, 865502.0000, 865502.0080, 865502.6880, 865502.6980, 865502.6060, 853080.6880, 853080.0060, 853080.6060, 853080.6980, 865502.0060, MFD-2K02, MFD-2K03, 28-15 521 0012, 23-0891C, 23-0694, 6110466, D1663, LVBD1196Z, NBD1408, WN1162, WN1407, J3300313, 203514, 313514, K330A13, BDA2124.20, BDA2137.20, BDR2124.20, BS-8442C, BS-9024, BS-8442, BS-9024C, 54149, PRB-010, PBD7008, JAPDI-K02, JAPDI-K03, NJC-K5055, K5055, PRD2683, HP57876, 142.064, 58075, BDC5461, BDC5203, BSF5203, BSF5461, BDC5461, BDC5203, RD00545, RD00553, RAD1946C, 6888.10, 82B0857, 6888.10, RT 2759, RT 2759-GL, RT 2759-GL T6, RT 2862-GL T5, RT 2862, RT 2759-GL T3, RT 2862-GL, RT 2862-GL T6, RT 2759-GL T5, RT 2862-GL T3, 604-03-8871, 1815203506, 1815203514, 1815313514, DBB146V, DBB460V, SKBD-0023007, PB 2862, 53.110.18100, 53.111.18350, 53.110.18350, 53.111.18100, 8120 18104, 8120 18109, 8120 18109C, DF162, DF1606, DF4836S, V53-80002, 628.1825, D6888.10, BS-5761,
OE numeriai skirti tik stabdžių diskų palyginimui:
oK55B-33-251, 0K56A-33-251, 0K55B-33-251, oK55A-33-251, 0K55A-33-251, oK56A-33-251,
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.