Kaitinimo žvakių galvučių rinkinys Kamasa-Tools
Item: K441
Rinkinį sudaro 6 - 3/8 galvutės
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Kaitinimo žvakės yra privaloma siekiant užtikrinti gerą variklio užvedimą, ypač šaltu oru. Prie tam tikros temperatūros, variklis neužsives be gerai veikiančių kaitinimo žvakių. Norint užtikrinti, kad būtų pasiekta savaiminio užsidegimo temperatūra net atšiauriomis sąlygomis, tokiomis kaip žiemos šaltis ar "šaltas" užvedimas, į degimo kamerą reikia patekti papildomos šilumos. Žinomas kaip priešužvediminis pašildymo procesas, šį procesą puikiai atlieka kaitinimo žvakės. Ta prasme kaitinimo žvakė veikia kaip panardinamasis šildytuvas, tekėdama elektros srovė žvakę įkaitina iki labai aukštos, siekiančios 1350 ° C, temperatūros.
Kryžminės nuorodos:
Y-917U,GV 719,0 100 221 107,0 100 226 189,0 100 221 163,0 100 226 186,0 100 226 185,0 100 226 366,609 MJ,917 MJ,642 MJ,719 MJ,GV 642,0 100 221 133,0 100 221 135,0 100 221 145,613 MJ,636 MJ,908 MJ,954 MJ,GN 013,GV 603,GV 663,GN 954,0 100 226 229,GV 636,GN 917,603 MJ,663 MJ,624 MJ,633 MJ,GN 908,909 MJ,GN 909,D-Power 1 / Y-924J,GLP 001,GLP 005,GLP 015,0 250 201 009,0 250 201 033,0 250 200 069,0 250 201 027,0 250 201 001,0 250 201 405,0 250 201 042,0 250 201 039,0 250 201 019,0 250 201 005,0 250 201 013,0 250 201 008,0 250 201 006,CH 163,CH 159,CH 137 /002,CH 159 /002,CH 88,CH 174,CH 137,CH 88 /002,CH 189 /002,CH 174 /002,CH 189,CH 163 /002,84BB6-M090-AA,V94DX-6M090-AA,EZD 5,50 31 006,61 54 593,EZD 30,DG-161,DG-001,21 R 22,21 R 21,21 R 23
OE numeriai naudojami tik prekių palyginimui:
60 81 22 92,71 71 90 15,77 35 92 0,96 33 21 43 80,1288245,2241389,12 23 1 288 245,12 23 2 241 389,5961.39,5962.03,5962.3H,91 508 602 80,91 908 610 80,77 00 733 076,77 00 741 144,77 01 039 387,77 01 349 475,60 81 22 92,71 71 90 15,77 35 92 0,96 33 21 43 80,60 81 22 92,71 71 90 15,77 35 92 0,96 33 21 43 80,000 159 81 01,001 159 35 01,A 000 159 81 01,A 001 159 35 01,1288245,2241389,12 23 1 288 245,12 23 2 241 389,90510924,90540864,12 14 319,12 14 324,5961.39,5962.03,5962.3H,91 508 602 80,91 908 610 80,77 00 733 076,77 00 741 144,77 01 039 387,77 01 349 475,000 159 81 01,001 159 35 01,A 000 159 81 01,A 001 159 35 01
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.
Aerodynamic efficiency: The design features a wing-like profile with a dynamic, forward-sloping nose that optimizes airflow to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency.
Easy to use: Ergonomic features such as the sturdy, easy-to-close lid and the PowerClick quick-release system prioritize comfort and ease of use.
Safety and Compatibility: Features an advanced SlideLock security system and offers multiple size options to ensure a secure fit on a variety of vehicles and storage needs.